Choose Helmers
Helmers’ challenging academic program will ensure your child’s continued success. But what makes us stand out even more, is our philosophy of inclusion and respect that develops lifelong learners of great character. Here are some of the standout Husky qualities you’ll find at Helmers.

At Helmers, we provide myriad opportunities for students to develop the skills they need to become socially responsible citizens. Participation in Peace Patrol or Circle of Friends are two ways we promote service to others.
Student-Centered Environment
Every student is important, and every student can succeed at Helmers. We collaborate with all members of the Helmers community for the personal and academic success of every child.
Motivating Teachers
Simply put, our teachers are gifted. Each one is highly qualified and deeply dedicated to every student who walks through our hallways. Our teachers and staff implement a variety of effective strategies that include all children, propelling them to high levels of success.
Strengthening of Character
We embed Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) standards into everything we do at Helmers. Daily teaching and activities infused with these standards ensure our students receive the care and support they need to achieve personal bests.
Personal Connection
The culture at Charles Helmers Elementary School is one where high expectations, academic excellence, school pride, and a sense of family resonate throughout the campus. Go, Huskies!